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"Redefining Life and Purpose: Bringing My Journey to Life"

Writer: Lisa Marie StaabLisa Marie Staab

Eight years ago, I wrote the following piece of prose.

Rediscovering it now has transported me back to the inception of my journey, powerfully reminding me of my purpose. It vividly illustrates how my vision has come to life through unwavering persistence, self-belief, the support of family and friends, and sheer tenacity. This reflection shows that anything is truly possible.

(And as many of you know, I've since added Meditation & Mindfulness to my studies and credentials along with anything else I can soak up aligned to my work and curiosity).

Me at my very first silent Yoga & Meditation Retreat in about 2013

In late 2010, After 12+ years working within the Medical Healthcare field in a ‘full on’ Corporate role, as well as the breakdown of my marriage in a pretty dramatic fashion along with many bouts dealing with Glandular, Flu’s, Chronic Fatigue etc., I knew it was time to look at my life and make some changes.


What were the next 40 years or so going to look like? Did I want to stay on this path, reliving the same moments over and over or did I want to start truly living the life I knew was waiting for me?


I know I’m just a tiny part of something much bigger than me. And this grounds me. It gives me perspective and it allows me to breathe into my heart.


Actually, I’ve had a pretty interesting relationship with my heart.

At one point it was quite closed…. cold in all honesty, but thankfully it has opened, a bit like a lotus flower unfurling it’s petals to let in the warming rays of the sun.


I even remember the night, after a pretty traumatic experience in my life, just after an evening meditation class. I realised I couldn’t feel it. I couldn’t feel my heart. I felt empty. It was there, but just a black shadow, completely, overwhelmingly black. Talk about terrifying!! I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced something like that, but let me tell you…. it’s one of the most frightening and utterly shattering feelings I can think of.


I knew I had to change that!

I knew my future was not going to take shape the way I had hoped if I didn’t heal it.


So, I embarked on a journey.


A journey to heal and reawaken my heart, so I could live with joy.


I wanted to lead a wonderful life and I knew it would take courage, facing and overcoming many fears and learning to see the beauty surrounding me… and importantly, listening to my heart.


I wanted my life to be a shining example to my children. I wanted my legacy to be a determination of following your dreams, not ever giving up and just giving things ‘a go’. No ‘what if’s’ I say! Of course there will be obstacles, sometimes huge, looming obstacles, challenges and perceived failures, but these are of course gifts, for they are opportunities for profound growth. Once we recognise it as so.


So, with that i mind, we embarked on our ‘journey’. Our "SoulFood Journey" to healing. And of course for me this healing journey involves food and travel(I’m also a qualified travel agent & Chef), my children and loads of sheer determination, faith and lets be honest…guts, balls, kahunas or whatever else you want to call it.

Someone once said to me: “Bravery gets rewarded”.

Yes it does!

I had always had a strong interest in health & wellness, not just individually but also that of the planet and how they are intrinsically linked.

My strong belief is that if we all focus on our individual wellness, it will flow out into our communities and the world. May sound a bit utopian, but it’s so true.


I studied Holistic Health Coaching while I was still in my corporate role and then I lept! 

In 2011 I jumped into the void, threw a backpack on, grabbed my children and did two trips backpacking around South East Asia visiting Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Laos. It was an incredible time of healing and growing for our family.


Once we returned to Australia we moved to the beautiful Sunshine Coast from our Melbourne inner suburban life and I began health coaching.


The most rewarding aspect of my role within my Corporate life had always been nurturing and coaching my team to soar above the crowd and achieve great things but always making their wellness a priority. I realised I could utilise that with my passion to create my own business in helping others build healthier, happier and more rewarding lives, whatever that may be for them.


In late 2015, I took another massive leap and moved our little family to the beautiful rice fields of Ubud, Bali for six months.


One of the main reasons I decided to move here was to establish some holistic wellness retreats (that I want to take globally ) combining cooking classes, yoga, meditation, local herbal medicine, outdoor adventures along with some FUN! 


I packed up my home, said my goodbyes and not without a few hiccups along the way (like the Virgin ground crew not wanting to let me on the plane due to their lack of Visa knowledge), landed at our new home in Ubud, Bali.


And wow, the fears!

Some weeks, some days were completely fine, focused, head down, bum up as they say!

Then some days it would hit me and I’d think ‘what the hell am I doing’?

How am I going to pull this off?

How am I going to support my children and myself?

Am I completely nuts? Many would say YES, I know.

Do I give into it or do I continue to listen to my heart even if my head thinks I’m crazy too!


I was fortunate enough to have the support of wonderful friends and family who believe in me (even if they do quietly think I’m nuts from time to time – understandably so).


They took the edge off the fear. As did complete strangers when they heard of my vision and my adventures. Keep in contact! Add me to your mailing list! Sounds awesome! … Just some of the comments and feedback that I kept hearing.

Oh yeah… that helped!


I guess I feel it’s my duty to my soul to listen to its whispers, to follow the signs, to feel it’s energy and in spite of the fear, live out it’s purpose. To do that I need to look after it, all of it, mind, body and soul.


Creating health & happiness in men and women, through food, ancient wisdoms, meditation, journaling and various other modalities, has become my obsession and focus. 

I don’t think I’ve felt more aligned with any ‘work’ or ‘concept’ that I’ve created or undertaken.

They combine all the gifts I have to share with the world.


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